Unless you paid an additional amount to hire us to get your LLC’s federal employer ID number (EIN), a member or manager of your new LLC must get the EIN by one of the following two methods:
- If the member or manager has a U.S. social security number, he or she can use the IRS’ online EIN wizard. The wizard takes about five minutes and makes it very easy to get the LLC’s EIN. When the LLC’s EIN is displayed on the IRS’ web page be sure to write down the id number and print the page for your records. Keep the EIN in a safe place.
- If no member or manager has a U.S. social security number then read my article called “Latest IRS Procedure for a Nonresident Alien to get an EIN” and follow the advice given in the article.
Your LLC needs an EIN if: (i) it started a new business, (ii) hired or will hire employees, including household employees, or (iii) intends to open a bank account.
If you lose your EIN, call (800) 829-4933 and select EIN from the list of options. Once connected with an IRS employee, tell that person that you received an EIN from the Internet but can’t remember it. The IRS employee will ask the necessary disclosure and security questions then give you the number.